Côté Sciences Air & Space

Côté sciences Air&Espace

74, Avenue des Marronniers
33700 Mérignac

Côté Sciences Air&Espace : let's discover air, space, digital technology and science and technology together while having fun!

Côté Sciences Air&Espace is a local program located in an 80 m² space in the heart of the Beaudesert district in Mérignac.

This program aims to develop projects with schools, associations, and cultural and industrial players in the town of Mérignac. Focusing on science, Air&Espace also organizes and participates in public such as Space Week, Science Festival, and Open Days.

Through activities, educational resources, and discussions with local community leaders, the program’s goal continues to introduce air, space, digital and science, and technology to the regional population. Air&Espace forms an essential role in relaying other resources developed by Cap Sciences.


Côté sciences Air&Espace, a territorial dynamic that has been built with a network of exceptional players.

Merignac CGET Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Conseil départemental de la Gironde Domofrance

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Côté sciences Air&Espace
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